I have been on the phone with Microsoft and Rim all day. The issue seems like it should be a simple fix with turning of a feature to make html convert to plain text. It's not that simple. I have searched hundreds of web pages and talked with multiple representatives about the issue and no one is trained to resolve the issue. When I ask for some one else like a tier 2 support rep they get offended and will not provide me the help I need.
I have explained it several times . I'm writing this post so who ever monitors the forums has a clear understanding of what is happening.
A water monitoring station sends an html file to an email with alarms for water if the water is not safe to drink.
The file is sent to the exchange server where it can be accessed and read.
From exchange it is sent to outlook and BlackBerry® Business Cloud Services from Research In Motion .
The email can be read in html format fine in outlook .
The blackberries receive an html file stripped of all formatting.
I beleive the issue is with the BlackBerry® Business Cloud Services from Research In Motion but no one at RIM or Microsoft know who supports it or what to do when it has issues.
Currently I'm faced with 2 resolutions
Stop using blackberries and start using windows phones with active sync
Stop using Office 365 with BlackBerry® Business Cloud Services from Research In Motion
and revert back to our old exchange set up.
Both resolutions are extremely costly when this should just work in the first place.