Hi aaronqs,
Thanks for your update.
I checked the images path via a basic Source View in the web browser and summed up the following comments:
All images which could be shown are located after<img src="/siteimages/">, for example: <img src="/siteimages/post%20card.jpg">, <img src="/siteimages/_0345annie%20copy.png"> on your home page, including images with both file extension of (.JPG) and (.PNG).
All images which could not be shown are located after <img src="http://caliberphotoworks.media.officelive.com/images/>, for example: <img src="http://caliberphotoworks.media.officelive.com/images/Fam%20project%20pics%20031.jpg">, <img src="http://caliberphotoworks.media.officelive.com/images/R-G%20%286%29%20copy.png"> on your home page, including images with both file extension of (.JPG) and (.PNG).
I would like to specify this situation. If you upload the images from your local by perform the following steps: Insert Image->Browsing from an image->Insert image, then the images you uploaded from your local computer must be located after the same path: <img src="/siteimages/>.
As you may see, the images which could not be shown were located at an online URL, may be it is the root reason why it can’t be shown online on your website.
Would you like to follow my suggestion and see if the issue persists? Thanks for your understanding.
Maggie Li