Our business has added a new domain and some of our users will need to move onto this domain. However as some people will still email their old domain, I need to have any inbound email redirecting to them. So, mrX@company1.com is changing to MrX@company2.com. he will log in as MrX@company2.com but i still want him to get any emails sent to MrX@company1.com
I thought i had it sorted, by renaming th user, then adding the old address as a proxy. However, while that works if i send an email from another user within our account, if i do it from an external email address it bounces back.
Is there something I am doing wrong?
Is it also possible to cover the situatio where someone types a name to an email address incorrectly? I.e. Can I as the adminsitrtaor get any emails where the domain is correct but the user is incorrect?